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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Potholes Lake Report
Grant County, WA



The Day began with less then perfect conditions, wind blowing and milfoil atop the water crashing into our lines. As the day progressed , and we got discouraged at having to reel in to clean the milfoil off. We decided to move to The area known as Sampsons Gravel pit, were it was less windy and no milfoil. We fished for about two hours using marshmallo & Night crawler combos and caught absolutely nothing, Then oh fatboy had an idea, I heard that there was Catfish on the bite lately, and well what hungry Catfish can resist a big glob of nightcrawler , sprayed with Shrimp oil scent....well turns out almost all of them in the potholes Resevoir That Day! exept 1.. I landed and released a 11lb 8oz. Channel (i think) it was very enjoyable to catch and next week thats exactly were and how I will attemp more catfish action, so until my next report , this is fatboy Rog.....remember practice catch and release and take a kid fishing! The State will benefit and you will have made some kid a pal for life bye


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709