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line capacity on Corado 200 E7
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:50 am
by 4steelhead
Each time I get my reel respooled he can only fit about 100 yards of 12# Maxima. I always go to the same guy. I wonder if his line counter needs to be adjusted. According to Shimano, I should be able to get another 20+ yards on it. How much can you fit on your Corados?
Re: line capacity on Corado 200 E7
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:57 am
by BentRod
I'm pretty certain that not all lines are exactly the same diameter despite test ratings, so there is going to be some variability on capacity depending on the line you buy. That being said, I've also noticed that on my Shimano spinning reels that the line capacity ratings do not match what OE says they're spooling on them. It's always less than the capacity rating. I figure either the line counter at OE is off, the capacity ratings Shimano lists are for perfectly spooled (perfect wraps) line, or we don't fully load our reels to maximum capacity. No matter what, I've always had enough line to do the job, so don't sweat it. Only once during Coho season did one of my spools get down to the point I was seeing the spool at the end of long cast. That was with 12# mono. I switched to 30# braid and haven't had that problem since.
Re: line capacity on Corado 200 E7
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:52 am
by spoonman
My citica 200e has the same issue. Although i dont know exactly how much i put on, i know if i snap it off a few times it gets pretty low.i was fishing for coho on the coast with spinners this fall. I had already bird nested my other real and snapped off 3 spinners. Everytime i hooked up on a fish it would take me down to a couple wraps left on the spool, it was nerve racking! I think its like estimated milage on a new car, you'll never get it in the real world. Shimano makes an awesome reel though, my citica has been my work horse for years now, its getting pretty sloppy but justs keeps truckin.
Re: line capacity on Corado 200 E7
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:47 pm
by KR58
I worked at my local sporting goods store and filled reels for customers and it was very hit or miss if the amount of line matched the box. Some went over and some went under. I have 110 yards of 12# maxima on my curado. My guess would be the the manufacturer's don' t get that number by actually putting line on the reel but by plugging the measurements of the spool and diameter of the line into a math formula
Re: line capacity on Corado 200 E7
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:40 am
by goonatic
i think its a combination of the math formula mentioned in the comment above, along with varying diameters for different types of line from different manufacturers, plus line is never completely the same diameter every inch, so if the line is just a little off it compounds with each and every single wrap around itself and the spool. plus the tension of the line as it is being spooled on, and the line can lay slightly unevenly or in different patterns, the knot used to attach the line to the spool can be another factor in size and line lay, on top of the fact that "full" is different in the eyes of every person spooling the reel and many other factors that can affect everything just a tiny bit