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How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:32 pm
by Raft Man
Hey all, thanks for looking. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me as to the proper way to go about getting my inflatable registered.

These are what they say the steps are: ... rboat.html

I have the certificate of origin and the invoice from when I ordered it from Amazon, showing I paid tax. I have the vessel title application, as well...(

Is this all I will need to go get titled and registered? What worries me is that I have owned the raft for about a year, but haven't registered it yet since I didn't need to until now, but they say it needs to be done within 15 days of purchase...Also it has a 'dealers report of sale' section of the form that I obviously can't have them fill out- does the certificate of origin make this not applicable?

Any insight would be really appreciated, I'd rather not waste an afternoon just to find out I'm missing a key part to getting this taken care of and it has been confusing me for a few days so I decided to ask for help.

Thanks again ](*,)

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:05 pm
by Mike Carey
Are you sure you need to register it? Here are the rules for non-motorized boats (rafts, canoes, etc):

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:11 pm
by Raft Man
Yeah, I live right by lake Sammamish which is federal waters so I'm going to make sure I'm covered.

Thanks for the reply

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:15 pm
by Mike Carey
Raft Man wrote:Yeah, I live right by lake Sammamish which is federal waters so I'm going to make sure I'm covered.

Thanks for the reply
So I wouldn't worry about the 15 day rule because you haven't used it in federal waters yet, right... so you haven't had cause to get it registered. But now maybe you do. [wink]

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:08 pm
by Raft Man
I'm not worried about whether my excuse is true or not(it is) I'm simply asking what the process is from anyone that has actually done this before, and if that fact changes the steps outlined in the link I posted. I am assuming someone here has registered a watercraft using a certificate of origin vs. buying an already titled boat. All fishing/boating forums are littered with misinformation and speculation about this rule. I am just trying to avoid 2 trips to a DOL office but it isn't looking like anyone with a pontoon is going to see this before I give up and just head down there

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:10 pm
by edge540
I wouldn't even consider registering it unless I got harassed or ticketed. Just my opinion though. :-"

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:33 am
by Mike Carey
perhaps calling the license agent you plan to go to before going there and explaining your situation? Call first thing in the morning before they get too busy. The one I go to in Kirkland is pretty helpful over the phone.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:03 pm
by The Quadfather
edge540 wrote:I wouldn't even consider registering it unless I got harassed or ticketed. Just my opinion though. :-"
Sorry, I don't have an inflatable that needs registring... but I understand that you are trying to play by the rules. I was just going to say that I fish Samammish a fair amount, and there is a police boat on the water many of the times that I've been there. Sure the are looking mostly for water skiing violations, and drunks, etc. But they are out there just the same.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:24 pm
by Gonefishing
IF the rule says you don't have to register the boat if it is < 16 feet and if motorized is under 10HP then why bother registering.... except OK it does say used on non-federal waters only.

As for the time to register issue it shouldn't matter again assuming that the boat is under 16 feet.... and pretend the motor up til registration has never been used by you :-"

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:39 am
by Raft Man
edge540 wrote:I wouldn't even consider registering it unless I got harassed or ticketed. Just my opinion though. :-"
To each his own.

I don't like being harassed or ticketed, and I don't mind the nominal fee. When I am on the water I like to spend my time fishing, not getting fines and lectures. I would sure feel stupid getting a ticket while fishing just because I was to arrogant to play by the rules and pay the small yearly fee.
The Quadfather wrote: Sorry, I don't have an inflatable that needs registering... but I understand that you are trying to play by the rules. I was just going to say that I fish Samammish a fair amount, and there is a police boat on the water many of the times that I've been there. Sure the are looking mostly for water skiing violations, and drunks, etc. But they are out there just the same.
I fish from my beach on Sammamish all the time, and even with my limited sight distance I can see that they are always out there. Especially in the winter when there are no speedboats they have no one else to focus on but the fishermen. Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate the looking out.

Mike Carey wrote:perhaps calling the license agent you plan to go to before going there and explaining your situation? Call first thing in the morning before they get too busy. The one I go to in Kirkland is pretty helpful over the phone.
Yeah, the Rose Hill office is usually pretty friendly, considering... I'm just going to give it a go in person (I'm more of a face to face guy) and will update this thread with the results, as I know other people in this state have had this question, and the only threads on the subject are the back and forths of 'you don't need to' and 'i would if i was you'...(Though the law is clearly stated- on Federal waters it is required)

Cheers guys

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:59 am
by MotoBoat
Raft Man wrote:
edge540 wrote:I wouldn't even consider registering it unless I got harassed or ticketed. Just my opinion though. :-"
To each his own.

I don't like being harassed or ticketed, and I don't mind the nominal fee. When I am on the water I like to spend my time fishing, not getting fines and lectures. I would sure feel stupid getting a ticket while fishing just because I was to arrogant to play by the rules and pay the small yearly fee.
The Quadfather wrote: Sorry, I don't have an inflatable that needs registering... but I understand that you are trying to play by the rules. I was just going to say that I fish Samammish a fair amount, and there is a police boat on the water many of the times that I've been there. Sure the are looking mostly for water skiing violations, and drunks, etc. But they are out there just the same.

I fish from my beach on Sammamish all the time, and even with my limited sight distance I can see that they are always out there. Especially in the winter when there are no speedboats they have no one else to focus on but the fishermen. Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate the looking out.

Mike Carey wrote:perhaps calling the license agent you plan to go to before going there and explaining your situation? Call first thing in the morning before they get too busy. The one I go to in Kirkland is pretty helpful over the phone.
Yeah, the Rose Hill office is usually pretty friendly, considering... I'm just going to give it a go in person (I'm more of a face to face guy) and will update this thread with the results, as I know other people in this state have had this question, and the only threads on the subject are the back and forths of 'you don't need to' and 'i would if i was you'...(Though the law is clearly stated- on Federal waters it is required)

Cheers guys

Soooo, what was the end decision when considering the Registering of your pontoon boat?

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:17 pm
by mclear
I have the same boat setup you have. I understand your reasoning as I've personally found the regs on inflatables to be unclear and just as confusing. I was questioned once by a WFW officer in the spring, but she didn't think I needed one. For now I continue to take my chances.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:19 pm
by The Quadfather
Mclear, I like your statement, " The officer questioned me.... but didn't think that I needed one." No disrespect meant to the officer,, but it's a crazy world of red tape, when the law enforcement isn't really sure what the rules are.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:54 am
by Bodofish
The Quadfather wrote:Mclear, I like your statement, " The officer questioned me.... but didn't think that I needed one." No disrespect meant to the officer,, but it's a crazy world of red tape, when the law enforcement isn't really sure what the rules are.
Pretty much the case across the board. They learn a few RCW as they go and that's all anyone can expect, they didn't go to 7 years of law school and a few more with the training wheels on. They make a judgement call and hope it sticks. I've had a more than a few "broken laws" turned over when they got to court.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:02 am
by MotoBoat
The Quadfather wrote:Mclear, I like your statement, " The officer questioned me.... but didn't think that I needed one." No disrespect meant to the officer,, but it's a crazy world of red tape, when the law enforcement isn't really sure what the rules are.
mclear wrote:I have the same boat setup you have. I understand your reasoning as I've personally found the regs on inflatables to be unclear and just as confusing. I was questioned once by a WFW officer in the spring, but she didn't think I needed one. For now I continue to take my chances.
Maybe something to consider and I did say "consider". It is possible that WDFW does not enforce the registering of watercraft. It is a federal thing, is it not? So they "might" not know the laws for which they do not enforce. In the sound ( navigable waters) isn't boat safety and registration enforced by the coast guard? WDFW enforces fishing laws when a fisher person is encountered by them out on the salt. It would reason the same laws would apply to lakes considered navigable waters. Maybe different on lakes that are not navigable, in that WDFW would enforce boater safety there, as well as fishing reg's. But again, not boat registration.

On opening day of Trout season this year, we visited an Eastern Wa lake (not navigable waters). For the first time, dad and I encountered several, what I thought were WDFW personnel standing at the boat ramp. They were checking each boat and speaking to each boat owner or occupant. When it was our turn to be looked over. I discovered they were the Sheriffs department. They were checking boat safety and safety equipment for each occupant. However, the sheriff did say my Registration sticker was located correctly on the starboard side: WN 654321 (Reg.) and incorrectly on the port side: (Reg.) WN 654321.........should be WN 654321 (Reg.). My question was "how would you suggest I fix it?". Sheriff: "When your registration renews, remove the existing stickers, "all of them" on the port side. Place the new Reg. on the correct side of the numbers!. And we do not like previous years stickers stacked on each other. I asked "you want each years registration sticker removed before the current one is applied? Sheriff " YEP". I said "they are not meant to be removed!". Sheriff "I know that, but that is the correct way". He went on to say "you've seen the reg that are applied one next to the other in a series...(reg) (reg) (reg) (reg) (reg) (reg) (reg) (reg). "We really hate that!!".

I would like to see that guy start another row when he/she gets to the stern! It could be the entire paint job if installeD correctly.........ha!


I am not sure. But I likely did not need a current Reg on my boat, to fish the non navigable Eastern Wa lake.

In the end, was I helpful?................H-E-double hockey stick...............No!. It is best to call the authority best suited to answer this question. I would start with the licensing agency where the registration is purchased and fallow the phone number trail to the answer or until your to confused and or messed up in the head to remember what you were calling about.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:47 am
by Bodofish
I would have to say that one Deputy was pretty full of himself, I've had my boat safety checked by Coasties, Sherif and WDFW and no one has ever said anything about stacking tabs. I quit stacking them after someone tried to peel mine off and I had to get a new set.... A littl action with a heat gun and the come right off, not sure if I'd do it with an inflatable. When I was running my Zody Boat I just had a couple placards made with the WN#s and the tabs and hung them on the sides.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:13 am
by MotoBoat
Bodofish wrote:I would have to say that one Deputy was pretty full of himself, I've had my boat safety checked by Coasties, Sherif and WDFW and no one has ever said anything about stacking tabs. I quit stacking them after someone tried to peel mine off and I had to get a new set.... A littl action with a heat gun and the come right off, not sure if I'd do it with an inflatable. When I was running my Zody Boat I just had a couple placards made with the WN#s and the tabs and hung them on the sides.
I thought the same thing. Probably not a enforceable thing. So, why present what "he would like to see".

I wondered how a heat gun or hair dryer would do at removing them. I was skeptical of damaging the paint or clear coat. Stickers do get brittle over time. Wonder if the heat aid in removing those as well. I had 6-8 stacked on each other before removing some and starting the stacking process over again.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:49 am
by G-Man
I can vouch for the hair drier/heat gun method. The heat softens the sticker along with the adhesive and removal is a snap. I use a plastic windshield scraper if I have trouble getting the sticker/decal to start peeling. Any residue that remains can be removed with WD40 or Acetone. If you do use a heat gun, you will need to be careful not to damage your gelcoat or the fiberglass. A hair drier will get the job done and won't get hot enough to do any harm.

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:37 am
by Marc Martyn
You might try using a hand held steamer also. It produces quite a lot of heat without burning anything. You can buy one at Bed, Bath and Beyond or Walmart for about $20.00

Re: How to register/title an inflatable

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:28 pm
by Don Icenogle
I know that this is a little late but I have some experience in registering an inflatable. Last year I was pulled over by the fish and game dudes on Puget Sound. I left from Seahurst Park in Burien and was off shore a few hundred yards pulling crabs from tmy pots. They approached me like I was going to outrun them with my 9ft inflatable with a electric motor. It was the first day of crab season so I was to excited and forgot to mark the crabs off on the catch record when I pulled the keepers from the water. Let me list what they told me I did wrong. 1) one soft crab out of eight, 2) two of us were on board and we didnt' have our crabs in seperate buckets - I didn't find that in the regs but that's what they said, 3) I forgot to mark the catch record - I would have done it before getting to shore but I was in the wrong, 4) my 9 foot inflatable was not regisitered.

When pulled over he asked for my fishing license. I was fumbling around since I had mine and my wife's license in the baggie. I must have taken to long and he said, I said give me the licnese he wasn't to happy sounding. I gave it to him and he says this isn't you. I said that's my wifes you said to give it to you. Guess he figued I didn't look like a Raquel.

Other than that the crab police were very nice but didn't smile much. There were two of them on the patrol boat and they decided to let me go with a warning. I went to the dept of licensing before they closed. I got there about 4:00 and couldn't get the license cause I didn't have the certificate of origin. I bought it at Costco a few years earlier and probably threw it away.

So the next day I thought what's the chance of getting caught twice, I didn't want to row out to my pots cause I'm lazy. To make the story short they were waiting for me again when I got back to shore. This time they were in the parking lot. They guy says didn't I see you yesterday and tell you to get that boat regisitered. I told him my story of how I tried and he said you did all you could have a nice day.

So the Dept of licensing told me to bring in a picture of the serial number and other info on the transom. I did that and filled out a paper for a lost title. Paid my fees and I was out of there in aout 30 minutes. From what I remember they said I would have a title in three years if all goes well.

Kind of a fun experience!