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Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:58 pm
by Larry3215
Fish found in Washington’s Puget Sound are on a variety of drugs, including cocaine and anti-depressants, as a result of contaminated water. The cocktail of drugs showing up in sewage-treatment wastewater and in the tissues of juvenile Chinook salmon also included Flonase, Aleve, ..." onclick=";return false;

How much worse is it now the the Seattle plant is spewing directly into the Sound?

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:18 pm
by G-Man
Not really much worse, if at all, than before the spill. Treatment of the water doesn't remove those chemicals, it just removes the solids/organics and kills the bacteria.

The bigger issue has and will be the removal of nutrients from the outflow of streams and rivers we use to supply water to our homes and businesses. All the water we use is bypassing normal routes to the Sound which deprives fish living/spawning/rearing in the rivers and streams of normal flows, and in many cases rendering said streams unusable. Couple that with the reduction in sediment and organic matter that is typically washed out to the Sound and it's easy to see why it's becoming more and more devoid of life. Every year we experience heavy flooding there is an uptick in the amount of bait in the Sound, same holds true for Lake Washington. As disgusting as it sounds that untreated waste water is being dumped into the Sound, I bet we see an increase in the concentration of bait in the area. If you think that is unsettling, then you must never have seen, or have repressed the memory of seeing, manure being sprayed on crops.

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:14 am
by Larry3215
I hadnt looked at it that way - as fertilizing the sound. I guess that is a bit of a silver lining - but its still yuk. The manure you use on crops and lawns isnt human manure - treated or untreated.

Its going to be a long time before I even boat in that area and Im certainly not going to fish or crab there for even longer. Yuk double yuk and tripple yuk!!

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:51 am
I read somewhere that a lot of this pollution ultimately gets pushed mostly south by the tides into more stagnant, dead end bays and inlets and may get trapped there. The article said the northern/central sound and the Strait gets cleaned pretty fast by the tides. Must be some sort of research on the subject somewhere.

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:08 am
by Bodofish
Larry3215 wrote:Fish found in Washington’s Puget Sound are on a variety of drugs, including cocaine and anti-depressants, as a result of contaminated water. The cocktail of drugs showing up in sewage-treatment wastewater and in the tissues of juvenile Chinook salmon also included Flonase, Aleve, ..." onclick=";return false;

How much worse is it now the the Seattle plant is spewing directly into the Sound?
Judging from the way they're talking about the area.... and the Nisqually in particular. I'm going out on a limb here but it sounds like they know nothing and are reading from a concocted report. I'm going to have to agree with Stoopidkat yet Pat Taylor has the right approach to taking care of the problem.

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:55 am
by strider43
Larry3215 wrote:Fish found in Washington’s Puget Sound are on a variety of drugs, including cocaine and anti-depressants, as a result of contaminated water. The cocktail of drugs showing up in sewage-treatment wastewater and in the tissues of juvenile Chinook salmon also included Flonase, Aleve, ..." onclick=";return false;

How much worse is it now the the Seattle plant is spewing directly into the Sound?
Fishy looking information source...... :scratch:

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:00 am
by NWBoater45
Hmmm no wonder fish counts are down.....they are all on birth control!!!'s bad joke Monday ;)

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:40 am
by strider43
NWBoater45 wrote:Hmmm no wonder fish counts are down.....they are all on birth control!!!'s bad joke Monday ;)
Ha Ha good one. If the information is actually real it could be effecting fish counts. The video that the link went to was totally questionable as to its content. "lips" new service? please, people will believe anything

Re: Salmon in the Sound on cocane, prozac and?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:13 am
by Bodofish
I have no doubt that what they're saying is true to an extent. If you noticed, they didn't give any levels as to how much of anything.... Parts per million, billion, trillion....... I'm pretty sure that the levels of any drug in any of the rivers is so miniscule I doubt individually they have any effect on the fishes, now all the effluents together certainly do, but again, how much and to what extent.

Can't you just see it, all the Startup and Gold Bar tweakers down at the river with straws drinking away.........

Sensational journalism and rather large.... "lets see how many views we can get". All the other topics they reported on were as sensationalist and with an equal amount of substantive data to back up their claims. [thumbsup]