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Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:51 am
by shawn
So I'm wondering how the wind storm treated everyone.Where I live in Poulsbo we lost power around 4:30 and fortunatly got it back about 10:00 lat night.We were semi prepared for had the genarator with gas this time.Gallons of water since we get all of are drinking from the well as soon as the power goes out we also lose water due to no power at the pumphouse.I stood outside and watched the wind blow the trees all over the place.That was pretty impressive.A few tree branches broke off and hit the house and my motorhome but no damage the old cedar tree next to the motorhome and the boat took a dive but went the oppisite way of anything of value.So today I'll clean up the branches and buck up the old cedar for fire wood for next year or maybe the year after.So how was everyone else expiernce?

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:03 am
by EastsideRedneck
We lost power for a few hours yesterday while I was at work (and for a little while at work.) By the time my wife managed to get the generator fueled up, running an powering the critical items (I'm not losing $500 in groceries of again like last year!!) the power came back on. This morning the power went back out just after I woke up for about a half hour. Frustrating to say the least... Props to PSE for restoring power as quick as did though, much better than the eight days it took last year. I'm on a well and septic, so when the power goes I end up "going" outside.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:08 am
by shawn
EastsideRedneck wrote:We lost power for a few hours yesterday while I was at work (and for a little while at work.) By the time my wife managed to get the generator fueled up, running an powering the critical items (I'm not losing $500 in groceries of again like last year!!) the power came back on. This morning the power went back out just after I woke up for about a half hour. Frustrating to say the least... Props to PSE for restoring power as quick as did though, much better than the eight days it took last year. I'm on a well and septic, so when the power goes I end up "going" outside.
I know what you mean abot losing the grocries lost all the food in both freezers last year.About going"outside" I live with 3 women so even with the power on I end up just going ''outside'' after waiting forever to use the can.
It's not a fish until it's in the boat.Irish Proverb

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:19 pm
by lskiles
I live in Vancouver so I was not affected directly, but my daughter lives in Tacoma and she is pregnant, her husband in Iraq. She had a doctors appointment to check on her...well...I do not know what they check, but she was on the exam table with her feet in the stirups when the lights went out. She said it was pitch dark and real quiet for a minute and then she said, "Well this is romantic." She is such a cut-up.

Glad you did not lose your groceries this time. It figures when you are ready it never happens. The best way to keep it from raining is to carry a rain coat!

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:04 pm
by leahcim_dahc
EastsideRedneck wrote:I'm on a well and septic, so when the power goes I end up "going" outside.
We are on septic and a shared well. We are at the end of the well run, so when the power goes out usually there is enough water pressure left in the lines to fill the bathtubs with water. This way the wifey and kids can still use the toilets, scooping water out of the bathtub with a small pan and keep them flushed.
shawn wrote:So I'm wondering how the wind storm treated everyone.
Lost power at the house for a couple hours...fortunately for me, power went down as I was leaving for work. Got to work...they had no power, unfortunately for me, it came on shortly after arriving. Lots of leaves blew into the shop...but nothing all that exciting happened.


RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:07 pm
by cavdad45
I didn't think it was much of a windstorm. More news hype than anything else. There is a guy about a mile and a half from our house who had two Douglas Firs come down over house, but I think it was more because the nearby property was cleared, removing the buffer. So I doubt it would take too much wind to knock down those trees.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:41 pm
by dilbert
We lost power for about three hours (no one was home so no big deal). We also lost a few shingles (see roofer thread) and a fence board blew off the fence. The guy across the street had the whole corner of his roof blow off down to the wood sheeting.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:47 pm
by Bubbadel2
i live is silverdale and we didnt really loose power....lights flickered and went out but only for about 30 sec....and i dont think it went out at all last we were pretty lucky

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:25 pm
by MikeFishes
I live in North Bothell. We lost power for about 3 hours right at dinner time. Then briefly in the middle of the night. An old dead tree fell across a large road near our house and blocked traffic.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:02 pm
by iPodrodder
We lost power for two hours last night and it died for 30 seconds three different times this morning. I could hear transformers blowing up every time the power went off, once as I was getting out of the shower (scared the crap out of me).

:safe: out.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:30 pm
by LM
lost power here in auburn didnt know how long cause i was stuck in traffic...took 2 hours to get threw auburn yesterday it was bad

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:16 pm
by Toni
We lost power from about 1:30pm to maybe 5:30, my area of Graham. My daughter was in Spanaway trying to get gas for the truck. Power was out so no gas. Traffic was bad and she didn't have enough gas to travel somewhere to get gas so she sat waiting. I went the other way-avoiding lights-to South Hill to find gas and get some groceries. Meridian was backed up bad form Graham to 176th so I went the back way home.

Lesson learned: Remember to gas up the vehicles before the wind storm. Seen lots of limbs laying around but I didn't see any trees down in my area.

The thunder just a little bit ago was pretty amazing. Shook the house.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:13 am
by Fish-or-man?
In East Olympia/Lacey the lights just flickered on and off. A tree and street light where downed on Martin Way though, right between my work and my apartment (it only held me up like ten minutes though). Thanks to the City of Lacey for getting that cleared out so fast. Very on top of things.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:09 am
by dilbert
Toni wrote:
The thunder just a little bit ago was pretty amazing. Shook the house.
They activated the all hazards emergency radio for that thunderstorm. It was a "severe thunderstorm warning". After I heard the booming then the emergency radio started alarming I thought for sure the mountain had blown!

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:18 am
by leahcim_dahc
Toni wrote:The thunder just a little bit ago was pretty amazing. Shook the house.
dilbert wrote:They activated the all hazards emergency radio for that thunderstorm. It was a "severe thunderstorm warning". After I heard the booming then the emergency radio started alarming I thought for sure the mountain had blown!
Funny thing we were just getting ready to close shop for the night and got to talking to a friend about how I haven't seen a decent thunderstorm since moving here...ten minutes later the wife calls me on the radio, because the kids are scared from the thunder...then the radio alert sounded for a severe thunderstorm on the way home...too bad I missed it. I could see the lightning from Sumner...looked like it was pretty intense for this area.


RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:21 am
by shawn
dilbert wrote:
Toni wrote:
The thunder just a little bit ago was pretty amazing. Shook the house.
They activated the all hazards emergency radio for that thunderstorm. It was a "severe thunderstorm warning". After I heard the booming then the emergency radio started alarming I thought for sure the mountain had blown!
The thunderstorm we had over the kitsap peninsula yesterday was very impressive.It went from bright and sunny to black clouds thunder and lighting.Down the street from me in Silverdale the news said lightining hit a laies house wich caused a fire and during all that she had a heart attack.Talk about three strikes I hope she is allright.Hopefuly the weather holds off tommorow so I can go try to hook into a salmon.
It's not a fish until it's in the boat.Irish Proverb

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:03 pm
by Bubbadel2
i havent lived up here all that long....are storms like that normal up here on any given year?

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:31 pm
by gpc
Usually we are the first ones to loose power and the last ones to regain power, just like the wind storm that hit last year. But the power only flickered over here. My cousin is from Snohomish and they lost power for almost 24 hours. Right down the street in Des Moines they lost power. My girlfriend was getting her hair done when the power went out. She was dieing it blond when halfway threw the power cut out. For some reason it turned out orange. It was great, she became the blunt end of numerous jokes for the evening.

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:28 pm
by shawn
Bubbadel2 wrote:i havent lived up here all that long....are storms like that normal up here on any given year?
This time of the year it's not uncommon.Nasty weather will be the norm until may or june.Welcome to Washington.
It's not a fish until it's in the boat.Irish Proverb

RE:Wind storm

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:13 pm
by Bubbadel2
shawn wrote:This time of the year it's not uncommon.Nasty weather will be the norm until may or june.Welcome to Washington.
yeah im from Southern California to begin....Military moved me up here...was not used to these gray things you people call clouds....they are new to my people