After about an hour and a half of that, I went to the north pier. Tried the jig with worm. Nothin'. Tried the drop shot with the sandworm. Nothin'. Was about to leave when I noticed a good size (20+) school of perch anywhere from 5 or six inches up to over a foot. Dropped the jig with worm right into the middle of 'em. They'd come up, look it over, go away, come up, look it over, go away, etc, etc, etc, etc. Ran off, found a mussel, put Mr. Mussel on the jig, dropped it down. Got a bite that didn't set, then it was the same thing: come up, look it over, go away - over and over and over. I finally gave up as it was getting too late.
I figured the drop shot rig would have a good chance with flatfish. I'd cast it out, let it sit for about five minutes, reel it in a bit, let is sit, reel it in, recast. I figured the jig would be perfect for the perch.

Where'd I go wrong?
What could I have done different?