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Roses Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
61° - 65°

After playing with paver blocks all morning, Cindy and I felt like a little water therapy so headed over to Roses lake for a couple hours in the evening. We got on the water around 3:00ish and the wind was starting to pick up. I would point the boat into the wind and keep it in place with the bow mount to fish along the toules and out to about 10 feet water depth. Using 1/16 oz jigheads and a variety of immitation minnows and grubs, we were able to get numerous hits, and bring loads of small fish to the boat. Seemed the crappie were the most actice, but were running 6-7 inches with some smaller ones thrown in. The bluegill were also small--3-6 inches--with a nice one once in a great while. I was hooking crappie and bluegill while Cindy was pulling in a wide variety of species: Bluegill, pumpkin seed, crappie, yellow perch, LMB bass (juvinile), and 2 Whopper Catfish. The wind had pushed up whitecaps and holding the boat in position was a challenge--for me anyway--so we worked the lower end which was windblown in hopes the wave action would stir up the bite. Well it did, almost ever cast would produce several bites and a fish. But the fish were still running on the small side. While holding the boat in a promising area, I cast a 1/16 oz jighead tipped with a plastic berkley bug of some sort up between some toules , and got a had strike that felt solid, but missed it. As I was geting the posotioning of the boat back under control, I told Cindy to put a cast into the same general area. Then Wham, FISH ON, The pole bent double and line racing to open water. I kick up the speed to get us away from the weeds and into open water. It was give and take line for several minutes, then a 4# 3oz catfish (21") came to the net. Whew, what a battle. I told Cindy I'd try smoking catfish if she wanted to keep it, so into the basket it went. She picked up a small trout that was lip hooked, so it was C&Rd, the landed a 9 1/2 inch bluegill, along the weeds, so things were picking up. She picked up a nice 10 1/2 inch crappie close to one of the docks along with several small specimens. All this time I'm reeling in undersized crappie. I was fishing the same areas with same baits, but for some reason, I was yanking tiny fish. The boat action continues to be rough, but we want to fish over to an area that has produced in the past. We're in sleeves as the sun has been behind some clouds and the wind continues to whip. After getting the boat positioned for some good casting, I look around to see the "Ole yeller pole" bent double again. HOLD ON now, What gives. I mean here I am fishing the same area, and she is doing all the battlle. LOL After another heafty battle of give and take, there is another cat in the boat. 5# even (23") on this one. Two nice sized Catfish and a bulegill along with a keeper crappie in the basket, we decided to call it quits and head in to the launch. WOW, what an evening on the water. We must have caught 70-80 fish on this trip. Even though they were small, and the wind was difficult, it was just what we needed to end the day. Maybe next trip out will be calmer water. Tight lines and sharp hooks


5/19/2012 9:55:00 AM
Great report! Funny how that is, you're driving the boat while the better half is catching the keepers.
5/19/2012 11:59:00 AM
Been there. Especially fighting wind. Isn't it fun to be outfished by your wife? I enjoy it, on those rare occasions when it happens, that is...
Nice haul! Let me know how the smoked catfish turns out, please. I've got some in the freezer I need to use up. Good report!
5/19/2012 5:07:00 PM
Atta boy!!! Thanks for the report.
5/19/2012 6:04:00 PM
Nice fish!
blufin loui
5/19/2012 6:44:00 PM
Hey ya MarkFromSea, It must be about positioning. LOL Wouldn't trade her for the world though. Thanks for the comment
blufin loui
5/19/2012 6:51:00 PM
Well fishinChristian , Cindy Has been going fishin since before she could walk, and with 3 older brothers had plenty of tutoring in the outdoor arena. By the time I came into the picture, she was well accomplished in the fishing and hunting game, so I get outfished on a regular basis. But Man it sure makes the boat look good having fish in the basket/livewell.. Besides, If it makes her happy to outfish me, then it is well worth the efforts on my part. LOL small pay off. We'll keep ya posted on the smokin.
blufin loui
5/19/2012 6:54:00 PM
@ afk, the bite is warming up, we gotta get a trip out there before the temp gets too hot.
blufin loui
5/19/2012 6:54:00 PM
Hey topdawg47 , no complaints from me.
Lake Chelan Adventures
5/19/2012 7:31:00 PM
Nice Job Cindy and Lewis....Believe me that when I have a Lady on the boat she always out-fishes the man...
5/19/2012 8:43:00 PM
Yes, same here. When I said rarely, it was tongue in cheek. I outfish her on bass, but walleye she almost always comes out ahead!
The Jigmiester
5/19/2012 9:32:00 PM
It's a "Scent " thing with the ladies out fishing us men folk...Lol. Great report Lewis. jiggy
5/20/2012 8:58:00 AM
Soooo... You're saying we stink... to fish...

Can't argue there.
5/25/2012 9:44:00 AM
Hi there Lewis - As you know, Debbie usually outfishes me when we go out, even if we're using the same gear, doing the same thing, and working the same section of water. Since most of our fishing is trolling, it's pure luck of the draw, but still fishing and jigging, sometimes it's the difference in action between the two. Like you, it doesn't matter to me, we're having a good time on the water and enjoying each others company. Good on you for taking a paver break! :-)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709